Subjects Previously Edited/Indexed


Humanities: art history; anthropology; classics (scholarship on ancient Greek and Latin literatures); literature; linguistics; sociology; history; politics; journalism.


Other: transportation infrastructure, business and economics.



Publishers Past and Present


AMACOM Books, Walker and Co., McClanahan & Co., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Facts on File, Oxford University Press, Ostriker and Van Simpson, and The New Press, New York City; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK; University of Chicago Press, Chicago; Holt,Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Fort Worth, TX; Prentice-Hall and Globe Book Co., Englewood Cliffs, NJ; Transaction Books, New Brunswick, NJ; Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, NY; Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY; Harvard University Press, Washington, DC and Cambridge, MA; Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC.

Established 1988 for all of your publication needs,

by Marta Steele, veteran line and copy editor;

also indexer and proofreader.



of every category of nonfiction content, including

books, papers, edited volumes, scholarly journals, 

and more.


 Proofreading and indexing 

of all academic publications; also criticism of style, grammar, and content.


Languages: French, Spanish, some German, and

classical and biblical Greek, classical and biblical Latin.

**specializing in editing of non-native English into idiomatic, grammatical, and concise academic or journalistic style.


Providing swift turnover, reasonable prices, and

one-on-one guidance and feedback on all projects.